Thursday, November 22, 2007


So I created a couple of portfolios simulating actual equities being traded… Since I keep hearing all this talk about Jim Cramer and how popular he is on Mad Money. I plan to document his performance. (I realize many people are already doing this, and some University students have researched his stock pickings from Mad Money. The results were an investor would have lost money if they were to purchase the equities he suggested, and sold those equities when he suggested it.) But sometimes documenting your own results of someone else’s positions help you learn about the market and trading conditions. Which is why I encourage every novice investor to try it. Doesn’t have to be Jim Cramer’s portfolio, it could be anyone’s portfolio, I recommend someone with a good track record though.

Okay, enough talking about other people’s positions, you are probably wondering where my positions are, and why I chose them. Well let me first begin… My current positions are not in the equities market. (shock!) I currently have most of my money tied in a private hedge fund called Legisi. (shock again!) Yes, that’s right, I believe every young investor which would includes me, needs to have some positions in a higher risk market. (more on this later) Although, I said that young people need to take risks, I myself might have chosen a bad risk with Legisi. As of currently Legisi is in some turmoil, and my positions in it are in limbo. Now am I distraught over such havoc? Not at all. This is because I (and you should to) take different investing approaches on each investment. It's called risk assessment. I believe for what Legisi had to offfer it was well worth the risk, despite it being in turmoil now. So now you know a little bit more of my style of investing, and also where I stand as far as positions go. Well, I feel this is good enough for a first post, a little about me and where this blog is headed.

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