Sunday, March 8, 2009

Just waiting...

Today is a very beautiful day. Unfortunately, I am indoors. It smells so good.
Lately, I just been waiting. And you are probably too. I am just waiting and waiting for all the f*#king bears to finally be done and go jump off a cliff! Unfortunately, I don't think they'll be done anytime soon. I am just getting kinda sick and annoyed of them. Another week won by the bears... and probably this week too...

Anyways, here are the usual suspects:

NQDC: I do not plan to add anymore to this position unless INTC drops below $11.40

NQGN: I might add to this position this week as July may be a much hotter month for Intel than April. (Anyways, stay tuned)

DOW: yep yep, just waiting on the bears to be done with this gal, then I will fix her back up... Make her look pretty again.

So yeah, this weeks update is pretty bland. I'm sorry. Blame the bears. They are the ones that made it so bland. We are currently playing the waiting game...

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