Sunday, March 15, 2009


Ok, yeah, I know. My blog titles suck. But, it's what I'm thinking right about now... Hrmm.....

After all my ranting last week, I guess the bears have finally somewhat subsided or have been overcome by some bullish activity. In fact some say the bulls will continue on into sometime next week before maybe the bears take over again. I for one am happy the bears have subsided the beating to another day.

Anyways enough with stuff we already know, lets talk about how we're doing:

If you have been trading exactly as me, you should be relatively happy right now.

Intel Corp:

NQDC (April $15) calls of Intel Corp. (INTC)
Cost basis: $.59
Contracts owned: 70
Current price of premium: $.77

NQGN (July $14) calls of Intel Corp. (INTC)
Cost basis: $1.20
Contracts owned: 10
Current price of premium: $1.97

Total gains for Intel Corp. heading into this week: $2,000

WDOAB (Jan. 2010 $10) calls of Dow Chemical (DOW)
Cost basis: $2.30
Contracts owned: 10
Current price of premium: $1.25

We are currently losing $1,050 with this one, but its January 2010 call so there's still some time to this one. After this rally dies out, and the bears move back in. I plan to buy more of Dow Chemical, to lower the cost basis.

In talking about Intel Corp. everyone that knows my investing style would know that I would usually take the profits in this situation and walk. It would be a 37.52% gain in only 1 month. But, I believe there is a little bit more steam to this rally left. Some colleagues of mine have bought into Microsoft saying it has been unfairly beaten in this rally. If what they say is true, that would mean there is more steam left in Intel. So we shall see. (I plan to keep you updated if I setup stop losses. This is to prevent profit loss if my current positions were to decrease in value drastically.)

So far so good. Now let's go make some money. See you Monday morning.

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